Wednesday 20 June 2007

Shit Happens.....

so my friends when I left you last I was in gokarna which was a miniature paradise, deserted beaches hidden amongst the headlands only accessible by foot. I could of stayed for months but I had a flight to Thailand so that couldn't happen. I spent my last couple of days in India in Bombay which I loved,. I just finished reading Shantaram ( for those of you who haven't read it, you must) which is based there and is a true story so I spent some time checking out the places mentioned in the book which was great. It a really friendly city and for a place so big it felt very homely I got offered the chance to be an extra in bollywood movie several times but unfortunately I was not there long enough to oblige, but I will return and next time I will give bollywood a go. It was a wondrous city, a city of extremes. On the one hand it was amazingly clean by India's standards and on the other the slums are so big when you drive past there are makeshift shacks as far as the eye can see. Kind of heartbreaking but the people seem happy and thankful for the life that they have, that is what makes this country so special I guess.

On to Thailand.....

When I arrived I was blown away by the cleanliness and efficiency of the place and the fact that when you asked the staff at the airport a question they were help full and informative instead of just waggling their head in that yes/no/maybe/I don't know fashion that you get in India.
I met Fran from her flight and we embarked on a air conditioned bus journey (one of many) to Kanchanaburi on the river Kwai. We awoke the next day ( my birthday) in a lovely backpackers right on the river. We booked ourselves onto a tour bus and went off to a temple which has become a refuge for orphaned tigers. It was amazing to be so near these amazing animals but also very strange to be walked in have your photo taken with them and then walked out again along with 30 other tourists on a little conveyor belt. As I was soon to learn Thailand just seems to be set up as one big ac conveyor belt for tourists with little opportunity to get off the beaten track, if there even is one anymore!

Anyway after a couple of days of tour bus existence we made our way to Koh Samui for our 7 day sap fast. Unfortunately on the way we were robbed on our ac bus as we slept. The fuckers took my Ipod and some cash from us both not much from Fran but over 100 quid in rupees from me which i was quite fucked off about but never mind. Because of this little hitch we spent the first 2 days cancelling cards and writing police reports which was hard going but we were lucky to be in our luxury spa room with a TV and an endless supply of chick flicks for comfort so we made it through. We embarked on our fast which along with no food consisted of a 16ltr colonic twice a day. I was quite daunted to begin with but after the first couple it gets easier and starts to feel good especially when you see what comes out! The smell is horrendous and whatever it is that was in there I am very glad that I flushed it out cos it just seemed wrong. We didn't stray too far from the spa for the duration of our fast for various reasons, lack of energy and the necessity to consume these weird clay drinks every three hours. So my days were spent lounging by the pool and having two massages a day, obviously I loved it, who wouldn't! To begin with the lack of food was not a problem but by day four we were fantasising about chips and beans and roast dinners and cake and other very unhealthy things. Despite our cravings we made it through and we both looked good for it, bright eyes, glowing skin etc. And we spent a few more days at the spa reintroducing ourselves to solid food which was great.

We then attacked bangkok in a 2 day shopping frenzy to find Fran an fsb out fit and generally spend more than we could afford. It ended with a tearful good bye as Fran got onto a bus heading to the Airport and then home and with me preparing myself for my reentry to India ( which I was much looking forward to). And that, I think, is enough for now xxx

Wednesday 16 May 2007

Mata Amritanandamayi

They call Her Amma and She desrves a post to Herself. I had heard of this lady who hugs people, alot of people, (apparently 26 million worldwide at the last count) and makes things manifest, cures people of illnesses and all that kinda jazz all by hugging and Her Ashram was not far from from Varkala so me and my mate Tracey decided to go on a day trip and pop in for a hug.

When I say Ashram I mean a villiage, this place is home to two thousand people full time and up to ten thousand when Amma is home. She calles Her hugging marathons Darshan and the day I was there she hugged for 18 hours without a break for food or water or wee wee's and apparently this is normal (She has gone for over 24 hours in the past). I wasn't sure what to expect and I didn't really think about it I was being a bit flippant really. When you enter Her temple you can just see a continuously moving crowd on the stage, you can't see Her at all. You get given your ticket and told to que and as we went toward the stage to wait our turn you can just feel this awsome energy, all of a sudden I was nervous and excited and gloriously happy that I was there, looking back it felt a bit like being high on love. As you near the front of the que you can see a crowd of devotees around Her making one massaging Her back while She hugs, another pushing sweets into Her hand that She gives to everyone as pressad (a bit like when you get bread at church) another behind that one wrapping these little sweets, and just loads of people who want to sit and be near Her, its a mental hive of activity. When you get to the front of the que someone pushes you down on your knees and shuffles you in towards Amma and it seems that there are about 5 people all putting your hands/head/feet in the right place, then she grabs your head and pulls it into her bosom, really tight (like your mother would if she thought she had lost you forever and then found you again) She wispers "my darling, my darling, my darling, my darling" into your ear, pushes a sweet in your hand and then someone pulls you out the other side. When I was there I really felt unconditional love from Her, I just wanted to cry my heart out about all the things that I have been keeping in over the years. When I came out of "the bosom" I was teary eyed and a little dissorientated, I was amazed that someone that I didn't know could give me so much genuine love and in just a few seconds. I am not the kind of person to worship a person or deity but Amma is amazing, She sees it as Her work to spread wholehearted and unconditional love throughout the world, She really does love everyone and after meeting her you don't doubt it for a second. Just thinking about it makes me emotional, I intend to go back and stay with her at some point next year maybe for a month or so, everyone who lived there just seemed so happy and content. If anyone wants a hug She is going to the uk in the Autumn to do Darshan for anyone who wants it, if you want a hug check out Her uk website I think or something like that. Dates are not confirmed yet but she will definately be there before the year is out. I highly recommend getting yourself there, its not every day you get to meet a living saint!

Beach Life

So its been a wee while since my last post, well loads has happened and also not much at all. I returned to the ashram for another 10 day session, Fran and Eiry arrived which was weird but good to see them. I tried a day of silence which was not completely successful but I had the girls teasing me and trying to get me to talk and for the most part I resisted but towards the end of the day a couple of sentences slipped out on the whole it was a really interesting day and I would love to do it again, I recommend that you try this one at home.

I left the Ashram feeling fit and healthy and ready for some chilling out on the beach, but I took that a bit too far..... It started well, some cooking lessons and a bit of sunbathing and then it all went a bit Pete tong. I was intending to go to a temple festival with the promise of fifty elaborately decorated elephants and then I met a hairy man who invited ne to go with him and his mates so I promptly ditched my friends and sat in a bar with Nathan (hairy man) waiting for the rest of the gang. To cut a long story short we never made it to the elephants which we later heard were amazing and instead spent the evening drinking cocktails made from cheap spirits I got horribly drunk and didn't even manage to pull the hairy man. The next morning I had the hangover from hell and had to go to the second day of my cooking class which was a very difficult day. This seemed to be the begginning of the end, I didn't drink after that but I did start getting a bit stoned, I had a great stoner friend who I was at the ashram with and slowly but surely the yoga got put to one side while we embraced the weed smoking and beach lazing lifestyle. I was ill for a couple of weeks (e-coli urine infection) which was incredibly painfull and I was unable to leave my balcony for a couple of days which was how it started, Steve came and sat with me and got me stoned to cheer me up, and when I got better I just carried on. I ended up spending five weeks there, I had a room with a beautiful veiw right on the cliff top overlooking the beach, amazing sunsets every night and some of the scariest and most amazing electrical storms I have ever seen, literally watching lightening flash across the sky and into the sea with thunder that was so loud it actually seemed to make the ground rumble and set off my landlords car alarm one night. I always felt scared for the fishermen in their little boats with no protection from the elements at all and literally surrounded by lightening.

After a week or so of procrastinating about it I managed to sort my shit out and leave, I shed a few tears in the rickshaw as I left for the station as much for leaving Steve as for leaving Varkala. Steve had been like a brother/best mate and had completely loked after me when I was ill and taken me on little adventures to surrounding beaches and temples on his little moped, we had a great time together and I am missing him already.

I am now on another beach called Gokarna which apparently has some desserted beaches nearby which are supposed to be amazing but I am yet to explore. I am staying in a little house at the far end of the beach next to a temple which is lovely to hear the bells ringing and the incense burning for puja (prayer time) twice a day. It is off season so there is no one else in my guest house so it gloriously peaceful, I could easily stay here another month but I fly to Thailand in a week so thats not an option.

For those of you who haven't heard I am not coming home for the summer, I have decided to stay for as long as I can which maybe one year or maybe two, who knows. I'd be a fool not to make the most of this opportunity, I think I am going back to Varkala for next season and I will rent a house for a few months and work a bit. I intend to get somewhere with a couple of bedrooms so if anyone wants to come visit please feel free.

Ciao for now xxx

Thursday 22 March 2007

Ashram Life

The bell rings at 5:30 for what seems like an age and by 6 am we are all in the main hall, legs crossed and supposedly in meditation. After half an hour of that we embark on some chanting... Om ram jaya ram jaya jaya ram om etc. and then we have a few wise words from the swami's (monks/teachers) about losing the ego or wasting your enery talking and trying to control the senses blah blah blah. It is usually really interesting if your tired mind can still hold the focus. After this we have our morning yoga class, down by the lakeside for us begginners. It is exceptionally beautiful, behind the lake you can see the tree covered mountains and here the lions roaring from the safari park over the water which is kinda scary untill you realise what it is. The morning class was with William, a Canadian yoga teacher for which most of the females in the class harboured a bit of a crush, including me, even though he is the same age as my Dad! Once we have gotten quite sweaty for two hours it is time for the first meal of the day which we eat cross legged but is usually quite tasty but sattvic (pure) which means no onions, garlic, meat, spices or anything vaguely stimulating.

At 11 am we have a lecture on the theoretical side of yoga which is really interesting because yoga is a lifestyle not just excercises, so we learn all about the path to self realisation and all that kinda jazz. Following that we have to do our bit towards the up keep of the Ashram called karma yoga which is cleaning toilets or sweeping yoga halls etc. and then we have a hour or so to do our own thing, Yay!! In the afternoon we have anopther two hour Yoga class, another meal eaten cross legged and we finish the day with another session of meditation, chanting and wise words from the swami's, also all cross legged.

This may sound like it's full on but its not too bad and if your lucky sometimes you can skive early mornig meditation without getting woken up by one of the teachers or the other 31 girls in your dorm! Infact I like it so much that I have stayed on another week after my two week course and I no longer have to go to lectures so I can spend my afternoons swimming in the lake and chatting to William whilst illegally sunbathing in my bikini, funnilly enough Willaim doesn't tell the girls to make themselves decent and cover up, I rekon he loves it!

My yoga has come on loads since I have been here, I can now hold a reasonably straight shoulder stand for three minutes and I am well on my way to being able to get into a head stand with no support (when I say well on my way I mean I can get both legs of the ground in half pose and hold it for five seconds, but apparently this is the hardest part to grasp). By the time I leave in a week or so hopefully I will be even better.

At the moment I am in a place called Varkala which is a beach town about two hours taxi ride from the ashram, I am taking a couple of days out to have a lay in or two and refresh my body so I can go back super charged for my last few days. I have met some beautiful people at the ashram and made some lovely friends, it definately brings you close to the people around you when you go through that kind of regime together.

Thats all for now folks , Om Shanti.........

Saturday 24 February 2007


So it has been a month since my first entry and what a lovely month it was. Fran and I spent the first ten days staying at a hostal in huts right on the beach. It was lovely and cool with nearly no mozzies but painfully far from the centre of Aurovillem, it was a 15 minute uphill cycle for breakfast! We had some visitors for a couple of days, the lovely lady Lowri and the boy Aaandy,it was great to hear their travelling stories first hand especially whilst we still felt so travel fresh and storyless ourselves. They also brought some booze and biffies so we had a couple of fun evenings catcthing up and celebrating Frannies 25th birthday. They rented bikes too and we had lovely cycling mini adventures, we went to see the Matrimandir ( basically a massive meditation chamber in the centre that looks like a giant gold golf ball) and actually got attacked by a bus full of school girls all shaking our hands in turn and asking us our names and how we were, funny for the first couple but it did get slightly tiresome after 25! Sadly Andy and Low left after a couple of days to continue their relentless itinerary and Fran and I were left to our own devices.

I did a workshop on eating healthy as a cure for serious illnesses, which was very interesting and the food was great! Also I was getting ayurvedic massage every day for about 3 weeks and did a couple of Yoga therapy workshops, I now feel fantastic!
We moved to a community where I stayed last time I was here so it was nice to be amongst friendly faces its a bit like a home away from home really. Fran went off to do her voluntary work after about 6 days so I have been knockin about on my own which was nice after a month of nearly constant company. I had a lovely time cycling about on little missions, I have given a few massages and been the Aspiration community baby doctor making aromatherapy remedies curing colds and stuff. I just made one for my friends baby and then I had a couple of requests. It was nice to help out. Other than that I have been hanging out with my mates and just generally being busy doing not much at all. I finally managed to drag myself away from Aspiration and Auroville. I was nearly kidnapped by Aspiration and a nice Italian man who was doing his best to get me to stay for another month so he could romance me. We hit it off one night talking about the benefits of consuming your own urine! As you can expect, he became smitten in a couple of days, not really my type but I do like it when he says 'ciao bella' in his lovely accent.

I am now making my way to Kerala for a two week yoga retreat, I endured a 6 1/2hr bus journey today with the driver beeping his horn the entire way whilst I nursed a hangover - not ideal! I am about to do the same tomorrow so I will have an early night and be slightly more prepared.

Right peeps, missing you all. Think of me getting up at 5:30 every day for the next fortnight!

Sunday 28 January 2007

The story till now

So peeps.... We spent the first couple of days in Chennai (the city where we landed) and ate lots of lovely food (variations on curry) and did lots of shopping. We bought some Sari's which was alot of fun in this huge sari shop we were in there about 2 hours I rekon just getting these poor dudes to pull out sari after sari untill we found what we wanted. Now we will look like proper Indian princesses.

The city got too much and we moved on to a seaside village called Mamallapuram, which was great. It is very Chilled ad quite touristy so was a good place to acclimatize. We nearly got ourselves into a bit of trouble on the first night... We thought we would dress up a bit put on a bit of make up and go for dinner and a few beers. In the restaurant we managed to get the attention of all the waiters, they were siting with us and telling us about their busy day etc. One guy in particular was chatting to us and telling us that he wanted a western girlfriend and he could not get an indian girl because he had no education, blah, blah, blah. I think they thought that we were really drunk and we ended up being the last people to leave and by this time we surrounded by a small crowd of indian guys kind of blocking our way out! We made a sharp exit and legged it back to our hotel having learned a lesson or two and vowing from that moment on to tell all young indian guys that we are married!!

Apart from that Mamallapuram was lovely we stayed ther for five days and didn't really do much at all. Apart from eating great fresh seafood and drinking nice wine in a little french run place that we found. Our hostal there was great, 'Ramakrishna Lodge' for those who might pass through that way in the future, and we were a bit sad to leave.

After that on to Pondichery a town by the sea with a very french feel, and we satyed there for a couple of days whilst trying to find somewhere to stay in Auroville which is packed out at the mo. We ended up staying in a house of this Indian artist Guy Called Manoj, really nice art and quite interesting but we discovered that the mirror on the wall between our room and his was actually one way glass, dirty perv!! We were on to his game and covered it with a throw and masking tape, so no late night perving for him!! Not everyone we have met so far has been a perv, we also met a lovely family in Pondy, their baby was born prematurely while they were on holiday and now they have to stay for three months untill she is big enough to fly. Hopefully they will be joining us for dinner on Fran's birthday.

We are in Auroville now staying in a hut on the beach, and desperatly trying to find a couple of bikes so we can get around. Got to go cos there are other people "long time waiting madame"